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KEEP is the latest chapter in a long story of our community’s dedication to saving Camp Kilworth. For over 80 years, the picturesque camp property overlooking Puget Sound was a boy scout camp that hosted a variety of camps and community events. Generations of youth from Federal Way and Tacoma learned outdoor and nature skills in the camp’s forest and 1935 Rotary Lodge.

Since its first attempt to be sold in 2001, local residents and scout families have sought to maintain the property as a camp and natural open space for the community and coastal wildlife. When the boy scouts relinquished the property to the Kilworth Foundations in 2016, a renewed effort began to save the camp for future generations and expand its vision to serve our diverse community. From this effort, KEEP was formed in 2020 to engage stakeholders and raise support for the camp’s future and the preservation of its historic buildings.

KEEP is grateful to Forterra for their leadership and steadfast commitment to save Camp Kilworth. We are thrilled to welcome the YMCA of Greater Seattle to the neighborhood and see the camp filled with the sound of children’s laughter again.

& more...

We encourage you to explore the history of the camp and the community’s preservation efforts in the timeline below and sign up for our newsletter for more information on Camp’s history. As a community space, the camp’s history lives in the experiences of many in our community. If you have a cherished memory of this space you’d like to add to our collection, please submit your story below.


We would like to acknowledge the Historical Society of Federal Way, The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, and 4Culture for recognizing the value of this future historic landmark and supporting our collective efforts to save it through grants and guidance.




We look forward to adding your story to the growing history of this cherished place. Please submit your story here...


Thank you for submitting your story!

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